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tiktok watch history

TikTok most downloaded app in Q1 2022, surpassing 3.5 billion all-time installs

There’s no denying TikTok’s growing popularity. In a Sensor Tower report on Store Intelligence Data for Q1 2022, TikTok was named the top downloaded app worldwide. Surpassing Instagram for this spot, it reached 3.5 billion all-time downloads in Q1 last year. This made it the first app to cross that threshold that is not owned by Meta.

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TikTok CSAM investigation underway by Dept. of Homeland Security; privacy feature exploited

TikTok CSAM investigation underway by Dept of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security has opened a TikTok CSAM investigation, after child sexual abuse material was posted both publicly and privately on the video sharing network.

Additionally, the platform is being heavily used by abusers for grooming – the practice of befriending a child online with the intention of later abusing them, either online or offline …

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tiktok watch history

TikTok testing ‘watch history’ feature so what you just viewed isn’t lost to the ether

As reported by TechCrunch, TikTok is testing a “watch history” feature with select users. The watch history feature allows TikTok users to locate videos previously recommended on their “For You” page – with the amount of new content constantly joining the platform, it’s easy to accidentally refresh before getting a chance to like a video. 

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TikTok testing paid subscriptions, Instagram rolling out new Remix features

TikTok videos will be longer

Instagram and TikTok continue to compete with each other in near-tandem. The same week that Instagram announced it has started to test a paid subscriptions feature with certain creators, TikTok has now confirmed that it, too, is testing a similar feature.

Meanwhile, Instagram is expanding its TikTok-style Remix feature to all videos on the platform. Head below for your daily dose of social media back and forth…

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Why is TikTok gatekeeping this fundamental feature for the majority of its user-base?

For reasons unbeknownst to users, the ability to organize your favorite videos (into what TikTok calls “Collections”) is available to some, was taken away from others, and for the rest of us, the “Collections” feature simply never existed. TikTok users have been lamenting over the loss of – or the inability to – organize their favorite videos for months, and we all want the ability to put our favorite videos where they belong.

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TikTok threats force schools across the US to close, tighten security

TikTok most popular social app

An alleged new trend on TikTok is causing schools across the United States to close and cancel classes for today, Friday, December 17. As reported by The Verge, school districts in CaliforniaTexasMinnesota, and Missouri have all said they plan to close on Friday due to threats of violence being made on TikTok. Law enforcement and local authorities, however, say they haven’t identified specific or credible threats in most of these situations.

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TikTok for iOS adds clever ‘For Us’ page when on a FaceTime call with SharePlay

TikTok SharePlay

One of the most anticipated features of iOS 15 was SharePlay, which gives users the ability to listen to songs, watch TV shows, play games, and more while on a FaceTime call with friends or family members. To take advantage of this feature, many apps are being updated so users can enjoy them together.

One of the applications that brought a special touch while users are on a FaceTime call using SharePlay is TikTok with a new “For Us” page.

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