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Mike Beasley

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Nest app update rolling out soon with refreshed interface, Nest Protect compatibility, and more


The Nest Learning Thermostat and its companion iPhone app are receiving up new updates soon, according to a post on the Nest blog. The updated app will get a full makeover, including easier access to certain settings and functions of the Nest thermostat. Also included in the new app is support for the Nest Protect smoke detector.

The app’s new interface will make it easier to check or set the status of your Nest thermostat.

Pretty much everything you need to know is there at first glance:

  • The temperature outdoors, visible on the top left.
  • The weather, now with animated clouds, shimmering blue skies or swirls of snow.
  • A big button that lets you instantly switch between home and away. No more tilting your phone into landscape mode to set Away manually.
  • The temperature you’ve set on your Nest Thermostat. If it’s not currently heating or cooling, the thermostat icon will be black. As heat or AC turns on, it’ll turn orange or blue.
  • An icon representing all the Nest Protects in your home. If everything’s ok, you’ll see a green ring. If you’re getting a Heads-Up or Emergency Alarm, the ring will change color to yellow or red.

The update will also introduce new features for the Nest Protect:

  • Every alarm in your home will be listed by room name, and you’ll be able to quickly scan to see if everything’s ok.
  • You’ll see basic status—green, yellow or red—for both smoke and carbon monoxide.
  • “Last update” indicates the last time your Nest Protect connected to Wi-Fi, reporting the status of its batteries and sensors. Assuming there’s no emergency, this happens every half hour in a wired Nest Protect and, to save power, every 24 hours in a battery-powered Nest Protect. If there’s a Heads-Up or an emergency, Nest Protect immediately connects to Wi-Fi to update its status and send you a message in the app.
  • “Last manual test” refers to the last time you manually tested Nest Protect by pushing the Nest button. We recommend testing monthly—it can be a regular fire drill with your family.
  • “Battery life” just tells you if you have to replace your batteries or not.

Finally, the thermostat itself will be getting a few enhancements via an automatic software update. The new software includes features such as “quiet time” mode, changes to its heating algorithm to help keep energy costs down during the winter, and more.

  • Quiet Time is a brand new 4.0 feature that allows you to set times when noisy stand-alone humidifiers and dehumidifiers won’t turn on, regardless of the humidity. That can keep the house quiet in critical moments, like your kid’s afternoon nap.
  • Heat Pump Balance is getting an upgrade, making Balanced and Comfort settings more efficient and using multiple stages of heat for pre-heating.
  • Your Nest Thermostat is now smarter about when to switch between fuel types in dual-fuel systems in order to better protect your system and provide more consistent heating.
  • Your Nest Protect and Nest Thermostat can now connect to improve the Auto-Away algorithm and shut down your heating system if there’s a CO emergency.

The updated app will be rolling out in the iTunes Store in the next few days. The software update on the thermostat will be applied automatically.

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Aperture 3.5.1 released with bug fixes for face-detection overlays, stability improvements, and more

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Apple has published an update for Aperture that fixes a few issues with the app. Version 3.5.1 includes fixes for issues with Temperature & Tint White Balance, face-detection overlays, and the metadata field when switching between photos with the arrow keys. The update also fixes stability issues.

Aperture 3.5.1 is available now on the Mac App Store.

What’s New in Version 3.5.1

• Temperature & Tint White Balance now works correctly
• Fixes an issue related to face detection overlays
• Addresses an issue with metadata field entry when arrowing between photos
• Includes stability improvements

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Apple expands iAd Workbench program to additional countries

iadApple debuted iAd Workbench in June, allowing developers to more easily purchase and control advertising for their own software through Apple’s iAd platform. Today, the iAd Workbench has been expanded into several additional countries, and is now available in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, and Italy. App developers in those countries can now login to the Workbench tool and take fine control over how their apps are advertised through iAds.

Advertising can be targeted by age, gender, type of device, and even a user’s most-used app types, such as education or music. Budgeting tools and campaigns starting at only $50 make iAd Workbench much more suited to developers than before. Developers can create their own banners to appear in the ads and use the system’s statistics, which tie in with iTunes Connect, to judge the success of each campaign.

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo expects A7-based Apple TV in 2014, television set in 2015-2016

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Ever since hearing that Steve Jobs had “cracked” the TV industry, Apple fans have been waiting for the day the company would release an actual television set. For now, Apple has given us the Apple TV set-top box, but some analysts now believe that Apple is gearing up to deliver an actual television in the next few years. Ming-Chi Kuo today noted that an updated Apple TV box running on Apple’s new A7 processor is expected in 2014, with an actual television set to follow in 2015 or 2016. The prediction also includes a warning that Apple TV sales will be limited unless Apple can find a way to integrate new TV services and content.

We expect Apple to launch a new version of the Apple TV with an A7 processor in 2014, and we forecast 2014 shipments to total 8.2mn units. Shipment growth will be limited unless Apple is able to integrate more TV content, services and its App Store, in our view.
We believe the slowdown in Apple TV shipments suggests Apple faces challenges in integrating TV content and services. If Apple wants to launch iTV, the challenges of integrating content and service are more difficult considering the different TV content ecosystems (e.g. cable operators) in various countries. Moreover, establishing an iTV supply chain is very costly. Thus we believe iTV launch will be delayed to end-2015 or early 2016 at the earliest.


Apple Store comes back online with Retina iPad mini, exclusive holiday offers

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The iPad mini with Retina display went on sale through the Apple Online Store early Tuesday morning in an uncharacteristically soft launch. The news was prefaced by an internal memo that leaked from Apple’s GSX tool. The device is available in the United States, Australia, China (no LTE models yet), Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore.

The release comes at an unexpected time. Apple didn’t officially announce the release date ahead of time, saying only that the device would be available sometime this month. In fact, aside from a memo that was released to employees only hours before the tablet went live on the Apple Online Store, there was no indication that it would be released this week at all.


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iPhone 5s shipping times hit 1-2 weeks worldwide as supply finally starts catching up with demand

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Shipping times on the iPhone 5s have improved great worldwide, as noted by iGen. Following the phone’s launch, supplies were heavily constrained and shipping times lagged. Apple seems to have finally caught up with the demand for its latest smartphone, however, as global shipping times today are down to just one or two weeks.

The iPhone 5c, which launched alongside the 5s, is still shipping within 24 hours of ordering. Supply for that model have not been nearly as limited as the 5s. This could be explained by claims that twice as many people are buying the iPhone 5s, though.

Apple support site now allows customers to initiate screensharing with AppleCare representatives

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Apple updated its support site today to give customers the option to initiate screensharing sessions with AppleCare representatives.  Previously AppleCare reps could ask a customer to begin screensharing if they thought it would be useful in helping solve the issue, but as of today customers can now decide whether to use the utility during support calls.


Apple releases iBooks for Mac 1.0.1 with bug fixes and stabilty improvements

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As we reported earlier this week, Apple has been preparing updates for Mail, iBooks, and other built-in apps on OS X Mavericks to address several issues noticed by users after the operating system’s launch. Earlier today the company released a fix for Gmail-related problems in Mail. Now they have also released an update for iBooks that addresses performance and stability problems as well as other miscellaneous bugs.

The update is only 14 MB and is available for free in the Software Update tab of the Mac App Store.


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Apple releases GarageBand 10.0.1 with bug fixes and stability enhancements



Apple released an update for GarageBand 10 today. The updated music-creation software was first announced during Apple’s iPad Air event and released later the same day. Today’s update doesn’t add any new features or restore previous features that were removed, instead focusing on bug fixes.

What’s New in Version 10.0.1

This update improves stability and addresses a number of minor issues.

GarageBand 10 is free for all users and contains an in-app purchase to unlock additional sounds and features. The 10.0.1 update is available for on the Mac App Store.

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Apple releases Xcode 5.0.2 GM build to developers


Apple posted a new build of Xcode to its developer portal this evening. The new version is listed as the Golden Master build of 5.0.2, which is interesting considering the fact that there were no betas of this update. According to the change log, the only changes are some bug fixes, so don’t expect any groundbreaking new features.

The complete change log is below.

Issues Resolved in Xcode 5.0.2 GM seed Simulator
After installation of Xcode, the iOS 7.0.3 simulator hangs on first launch for a period of time (eventually launching). This issue has been resolved. (15368009)
Running UIAutomation from the Instruments GUI or from the /usr/bin/instruments command line crashes. This has been resolved. (15367995)
Running and Debugging
Launching a 64-bit application on a device from Xcode multiple times causes the device to stop responding (and require a soft-reset). This has been resolved. (15338361)
Debugging an application on a device running iOS 6.x causes the application to crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. This has been resolved. (15310896)
LLDB now correctly displays structs in simulator processes. (14496092)

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Apple takes Apple Store app Passbook gift card integration international

Back in October of 2012, Apple introduced the ability to purchase gift cards via the iPhone and iPod touch Apple Store application. These gift cards could then be shared via email to family and friends for use in the Apple Store. These gift cards could also be used via the Passbook application that Apple introduced with iOS 6. Since that time, the functionality has been exclusive to the United States, but today, Apple has taken it international.

Apple has updated the Apple Store app for several countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Australia, but not many of the countries in Europe in which we checked. Users in each of those countries can now buy Passbook-enabled gift cards through the application. There is no word on when the remaining European countries will see the feature.

Update: Three days after publishing this update, Apple also released a second update to address various bugs and other issues.

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Pebble to announce new software features on Nov. 6


Smartwatch maker Pebble has announced a software event scheduled for 10 AM Pacific on November 6th. Pebble already has an SDK for developers, but they’ll be announcing some upcoming additions to the watch’s software capabilities. The event will stream live on the Pebble website for anyone to watch.

Two members of Pebble’s developer support team will also hold an AMA on Reddit directly after the event to discuss the upcoming changes with developers and answer any questions they may have.

Pebble also says that over 400 users who backed the original Kickstarter project are still waiting on their watches, which seems like a high number considering the fact that the watch has been available in Best Buy for some time now.

Update: We’re hearing the announcements will focus on SDK and iOS 7 compatibility improvements.

Hello Pebblers!

Apologies for the radio silence the last couple months. We know it has been a long time since we shared an update, but we’ve had our heads down focusing on some exciting developments and big news is brewing.

This Wednesday, November 6th, we’ll be sharing the details. You’re invited to join our (hopefully less blue) livestream at 10am PST to hear the news first hand. Just visit Wednesday after 9am PST for a link to the event. If you’re currently developing for Pebble, or interested in creating apps for Pebble, then you should definitely tune in!

We’ll also post the news for those who can’t join and a recording of the livestream will be available immediately following the event. Eric and Pebble’s developer support team will also be available to take questions on a Reddit AMA on Wednesday at Noon PST.

Most of you have Pebbles on wrists by now, but our records show that 460 of our 68,929 backers are still waiting. If you are one of those 460, we want to hear from you! We need a correct email and shipping address so we can send your Pebble(s). Please enter your info at and we’ll confirm Pebble shipments as fast as we can.

Thanks once again for your support, much more to follow soon!

Team Pebble

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Pandora claims increase in listening following the launch of iTunes Radio

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The launch of iTunes Radio doesn’t look like the deathblow to Pandora that many suggested it would be. Today Mike Herring, the music streaming service’s CFO, said that since the launch of Apple’s competing product, Pandora has seen an increase in listeners. We’re not just talking about a fraction of a percent, either. According to Herring, who once called iTunes Radio a “credible threat” to his company, Pandora has seen a 9% increase in listening since iTunes Radio debuted.

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Part of the draw could be the fact that Pandora dropped its time-limited listening restrictions on free accounts just before iOS 7 and iTunes Radio became publicly available. This allowed Pandora listeners who preferred to continue using their existing stations rather than switching to a new service to listen to more music each month.

These newly unrestricted accounts also work where iTunes Radio doesn’t, such as Android phones or older iOS devices, meaning the overall reach of Pandora is considerably wider than that of iTunes Radio. This provides an incentive for users who have a variety of devices to use Pandora over Apple’s offering since their iTunes Radio stations cannot sync to all of their devices.

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Giveaway: Win an OCDock or OCGlass for iPhone from OCDesk


Looking for an iPhone dock that fits in with your other Apple products and keeps your desk clear of clutter? We’ve got one OCDock or OCDock mini to give away to a lucky 9to5Mac reader.

The OCDock mounts fits beneath your iMac or Cinema Display and attaches to the stand, keeping it in place right in front of you when you need it. A flat USB cable runs beneath the stand to the back of the computer, allowing you to keep your phone charged without having to run cables everywhere.

The regular OCDock is designed to fit all Lightning-equipped iPhones without having to remove the case. If you use your phone without a case, you’ll want to take a look at the mini version, which takes up less space.

Keep reading to enter and to see more prizes

iPad Air now available in the U.S. through Apple’s Online Store and carrier websites, shipping November 4th

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The Apple Online Store has just come back online after about two hours of downtime in preparation for the iPad Air launch in the United States. All four major carriers are also offering the fifth-generation iPad on their own stores.

The iPad Air is the newest version of Apple’s iconic tablet. The latest model features the same 64-bit A7 processor found in the new iPhone 5s, improved cameras, and a new form factor that’s thinner and lighter than the previous generation. It ships with Apple’s new iOS 7 software. Pricing starts at  $499 for the Wi-Fi model with 16 GB of storage and goes up to $929 for the 128 GB LTE-equipped model.


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Google Maps for iOS updated with improved hotel search, tweaked transit directions

The Google Maps app for iPhone and iPad has been updated with a few changes to the hotel search feature and transit directions. When searching for a hotel, the app now presents some sponsored rates (ads, basically—but useful ones). You can also quickly access a map from the transit directions preview screen, as well as a list of upcoming departure times.

The app also include “bug fixes,” which are always nice. The complete change log is below.

What’s New in Version 2.4.3

● Improved hotel search results with sponsored rates and booking links
● Quick access to map and upcoming departures in transit directions preview
● Bug fixes

The inner workings of Touch ID: Each fingerprint sensor is paired to a specific A7 chip

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When Apple introduced Touch ID on the new iPhone 5s, the company provided some basic information about the kinds of security used to protect users’ fingerprints and data. A new discovery by iMore reveals that Apple has even more security in place than they discussed with the public.

According to iMore, each individual Touch ID sensor is paired with its corresponding A7 processor. To confirm the pairing theory, iMore switched the Touch ID sensors from two brand new iPhones and attempted to setup each device. Each phone failed to recognize the sensors and returned an error until the sensors were swapped back to their original phones.


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Google, Samsung, and others sued over search patents by Apple-backed Nortel group


Google, Samsung, and several other Android handset manufacturers are being sued by Rockstar, a consortium backed by Apple and several other tech companies, over alleged infringement of several search patents acquired by Rockstar from Nortel in 2011. Last year HTC reached a ten-year agreement with Apple as part of a patent infringement settlement. That deal would result in both companies licensing existing and future patents from one another, but it seems that agreement does not apply in this case.

The seven patents in question deal with matching search terms to relevant advertisements. Google is primarily a search and advertising company, so a loss in this case could be a serious blow. At the heart of the suit is Google’s Android platform, which Rockstar says infringes these web search patents. Because Samsung, HTC, Huawei, and others build on this platform, they are also being named in the suit.

Rockstar acquired the patents for over $4 billion last year and claims that Google’s continued use of the unlicensed technology is a wilful infringement of the consortium’s intellectual property.

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Apple Online Store lists Smart Case and Cover for older iPads as discontinued (Update: no longer discontinued)

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Update: A few hours after these listings appeared on the store, Apple has reversed course and no longer lists either case as discontinued. However, both cases are now only available in gray rather than the full range of colors that were previously available.

Despite keeping the iPad 2 around for yet another year, Apple has discontinued the cases that it designed alongside the second-generation tablet. Both accessories are still available for sale for the time being, although some colors are now listed as “unavailable to ship” and will probably be removed in the coming days.

This move is likely due to the constantly-decreasing demand for the older iPad model in favor of the new iPad Air, which neither of these cases will fit. The iPad Air goes on sale tomorrow morning starting at $499 for the 16 GB Wi-Fi model.

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App Store banner corroborates impending iOS 7 update for Apple’s Remote app


Image via MacRumors

A banner that appeared in the Colombian App Store seems to indicate that Apple may finally be updating its Remote app with a new design for iOS 7. The banner sports a redesigned icon that we first noticed earlier this month in the iTunes device manager. The new icon uses much more white than the previous version and conforms to the icon grid used to design Apple’s other iOS 7 icons.

Many of Apple’s apps have already been updated with a new design, but updates for Remote, Find My Friends, iTunes Connect and iBooks have been noticeably absent. It seems at least one of those will be redesigned in the near future, although there’s still no word yet on when the others might finally get a makeover.

We haven’t been able to independently confirm the precense of the banner in the App Store, which was likely published earlier by accident.

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Retina iPad mini launch date: Thursday, Nov. 21st says Target

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Target has posted its listing for the Retina iPad mini (via MacRumors) with a release date of November 21st, though we believe this is more than likely a speculative date as retailers like Target don’t usually get such early information. The previous-generation LTE iPad mini launched on November 21st, 2012, so it’s quite possible that this date is based on that.

Apple noted during the Q4 2013 earnings call that the tablet would be available “later in November,” but didn’t give a specific date. In the past, Apple’s definition of “later” in the month has been sometime during the last week.

As other retailers begin listing upcoming Apple devices on their stores, we’ll likely see a variety of availabilty dates, but each will be an educated guess at most. November 21st is also a Thursday, and Apple typically sticks to Fridays for major device launches.


Apple says fix incoming for 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro trackpad & keyboard issues, offers interim solution

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Apple has published a new support article detailing an issue with some new 13-inch Retina MacBook Pros that debuted alongside the iPad Air earlier this month. The issue can lead to the computer’s keyboard or trackpad becoming unresponsive.

There have been numerous reports of the issue in a 67-page thread on the Apple support forums. Apple’s statement:


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Square Enix releases lite version of Deus Ex: The Fall for iPhone and iPad


Back in July, Square Enix released the mobile-exclusive game Deus Ex: The Fall as a tie-in to the popular console and PC franchise. Today the company published a free version of the game that allows players to run through the full game’s opening mission. Other than the limit on how far into the game you play, everything else is unrestricted.

Even though the iTunes requirements say that the iPhone 4 and fourth-generation iPod touch are compatible, the company notes in the app’s description that it will not actually run on those devices. Players looking to take the mobile Deus Ex experience for a test run can grab it now for free on iTunes.

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CloudMagic brings cloud-powered email search to the iPhone

A brand-new mail client called CloudMagic launched today on the App Store. The app supports most email services and has all of the basic features you’d expect from a mail app. One CloudMagic feature blows most other apps away, though: search.

Rather than searching on your phone for a certain email and then remotely searching each individual mail account to find what you’re looking for, CloudMagic caches your entire mail account on their server and uses server-side search to find any message almost instantly. The search is powerful and intelligently suggests words and phrases that I found to be exactly what I was looking for.
