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Mike Beasley

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American Express publishes new web page explaining Apple Pay setup and purchases

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American Express has published a new web page explaining the benefits of Apple Pay to cardholders and providing directions on how to setup the payment system, which won’t actually be available until next week. The page also points out that American Express cardholders will be able to get the same rewards and other perks that usually come with a credit card when using the card through Apple Pay.

The page says that customers will have a “seamless connection” to the American Express app and lists a few stores where NFC payments will be accepted. The page was emailed to cardholders today in preparation for the release of the software update on Monday.

Close Photos app said to be coming next week alongside iOS 8.1

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Earlier this month Apple published some support documents that referred to an Photos web app for managing a photo library. It was discovered that when the URL for the app was entered into the beta version of the iCloud site, it produced an error message rather than simply redirecting to the home page like any other invalid link.

Today a 9to5Mac reader attempted to load the app and was presented with the page pictured above indicating that users running iOS 8.1 (which includes the beta version of the iCloud Photo Library feature) will be able to use the web app to view their photos. With iOS 8.1 scheduled for release on Monday, it’s not a stretch to think the online version of the app will be launching then as well.


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iBooks Author updated with ePub and InDesign importer, new templates, and more


Apple has updated iBooks Author for OS X Yosemite and added support for new file formats and other enhancements. First among these is the ability to import Adobe InDesign and ePub files to a project. New blank templates have been added to accommodate custom designs, and authors can now use hyperlinks to jump to a specific location in other book or add a link to an image.

The app’s widgets have also gotten a few upgrades. Auto-play is now available for the media, Keynote, and HTML widgets, and the HTML widget can now be used directly on the page of a book. The Keynote widget gained improved translation support.

You can download iBooks Author for free on the Mac App Store. The change log is below.

What’s New in Version 2.2

• Import ePub files
• Import Adobe InDesign IDML files
• Create customized books with new Blank templates
• New hyperlink options: link to a location in another book, link from an image, and more
• Improved transition support in Keynote widget
• Enable auto-play for media widget, Keynote widget, and HTML widget
• Readers can now interact with the HTML widget right on a book page

Adobe releases iPhoto/Aperture importer plugin to help users transfer their libraries to Lightroom

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When Apple announced earlier this year that it would be discontinuing iPhoto and Aperture in favor of the upcoming Photos app for OS X, Adobe announced that it would be releasing a tool that would allow users to transfer their libraries into Lightroom.

That plugin has been released today on Adobe’s website and allows users to import photos, flags, ratings, keywords, and much more from the two outgoing apps into Adobe’s own offering. If you’d like to transfer your data to Lightroom, you can grab the importer for free from Adobe.

The full description of the plugin is below:

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Apple launches new Swift mini-site highlighting apps built with the language and developer tools

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Along with today’s OS X Yosemite launch, Apple has published a new mini-site on highlighting some of the uses for its new Swift programming language. The page shows off a few apps built using Swift and highlights the decision by some colleges to start adding the language to their curriculums.

The bottom of the page includes information on how to get started with Swift, including links to download the free guide on iBooks and Xcode development software, as well as a link to the Swift developer site, which includes even more resources for developers getting started with the language.

Apple updates iMovie and GarageBand for OS X Yosemite with new features and design

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Apple has pushed out updates for iMovie and GarageBand to add compatibility with OS X Yosemite and add new features for both apps. GarageBand 10.0.3 introduces a new Bass Amp Designer, tweaks to the zoom function, a new template for recording vocals, and other changes.

iMovie has also been updated with a new interface that fits with the new design in Yosemite, as well as to add support for new features like the ability to create iPhone app previews for the App Store and tweaks to the adjustments bar and other changes. There are also new options for exporting videos as custom H.264, ProRes, or just audio tracks.

The full logs for both apps are below:


GT Advanced informs over 700 Mesa, Arizona employees that they will be laid off by December 15

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Apple’s bankrupt former sapphire supplier is seeking to shut down its Mesa, Arizona plant and has informed 727 employees that they will be laid off between today and December 15th, according to AZ Central. The breakdown of the jobs being cut includes:

…524 production workers, 108 technical positions, 70 management jobs and 25 administrative jobs, according to the notice signed by Linda Luman, vice president of human resources for GT.


Apple removes Mac mini server from sale, drops 2 TB storage option with new models

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Mac mini

With today’s updates to the Mac mini, Apple has made the decision to stop selling the “server” version of the computer. In doing so, the company has also lowered the maximum storage available in the machine from 2 TB to just 1 TB. The server model was also the first version of the Mac mini to forego the optical drive, though the change was soon carried over to the rest of the line.

The server model was created to supplant the Xserve, which was discontinued in 2010. It originally shipped with OS X Server preinstalled, but was later loaded instead with the consumer version of OS X. OS X Server was transitioned to the Mac App Store as a $19.99 purchase and the new Mac mini was moved to a more consumer-oriented setup.

If you’re looking to expand your Mac mini’s storage, you can always take advantage of those new Thunderbolt 2 ports.


Roundup: Here are some of the best OS X Yosemite-ready apps hitting the Mac App Store

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With the release of OS X Yosemite today, app developers have started releasing redesigned or upgraded versions of their apps to incorporate the new features and design language found in the latest version of the Mac operating system. Among those are popular apps like 1Password, Airmail, and Things.

We’ll keep this list updated as more apps get updated, so check back often to see what new apps have been updated.


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Twitter introduces new audio card, allowing in-line audio playback in mobile apps

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Twitter announced a change coming to its mobile apps today that allows users to play music directly from a tweet. The new Twitter Audio Card will allow certain users (there’s a list on Twitter’s blog) to share audio uploaded to SoundCloud with users in-line. Users will be able to listen to these embeds while they continue browsing their timelines.

Twitter says it’s just starting to test the feature right now and plans to roll it out to more content creators and partner audio sites in the future. You can try it out in Twitter for iPhone right now.

Apple includes its own SIM card with cellular iPad Air 2, will allow switching carriers on a whim

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Since the cellular model of the iPad isn’t subject to typically two-year contracts, users have always been free to start or end pre-paid cellular data plans at will from the device’s settings. In the past, however, this meant buying your iPad from one carrier and being locked into that carrier’s plans.

With tomorrow’s launch of the iPad Air 2, however, Apple is changing that by including its own SIM card with each unit. This SIM card will work with multiple US carriers—AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile—and allow users to not only enable or disable a cellular plan as they see fit, but also switch back and forth between carriers to find the plan that works best for them at the moment.


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Apple’s iPad Air 2/Retina iMac event is now available for replay

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You can now relive all of the excitement of Craig Federighi’s call Stephen Colbert from his Mac. Apple has made the replay of today’s iPad Air 2 and Retina iMac event available on its website and Apple TV channel.

Or you can just watch it right here, on this very page. Why not?


Retina iMac now available for purchase as Apple Store comes back online following keynote

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The Apple Store online is back up following today’s event and there are a bunch of new products to check out. The new iMac with Retina 5K display is now available for purchase starting at $2499 for the base model. The updated Mac Mini is also available with prices ranging from $499 to $999.

If you’re more interested in the new iPad models announced today, you can check out pricing and configuration info for the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 before ordering starts tomorrow. Older iPad models are still available at reduced prices as part of an ever-expanding lineup of tablets.


Apple updates Mac mini with all-new internals, drops starting price to $499, available today

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Apple has just announced an update to it’s Mac mini desktop PC that features all-new internals and a lower starting price. The CPU has been bumped to the current fourth-generation of Intel’s Core processors paired with Intel Iris and HD Graphics 5000 graphics processors. It now sports PCIe-based flash storage, though the exact amount of storage wasn’t mentioned.

The computer’s connectivity has also gotten a bump with 802.11ac Wi-Fi and the addition of two Thunderbolt 2 i/o ports. The tweaked internals have also afforded the new Mac mini the title of “world’s most energy efficient desktop.”

The upgraded machine will be available today at a reduced starting price of only $499.


Apple will continue to sell both previous versions of iPad mini, first-gen iPad Air

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Apple announced the new iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, but previous versions of the popular tablet will still be available for sale. The first-generation iPad mini, which is now two generations old, will start at $249 while the newer iPad mini 2 will be available for $50 more at $299. The new iPad mini 3 will come in at $399.

The original iPad air will also still be available coming in at the same price as the iPad mini 3, $399, for the base model. The iPad Air 2 will go for $499.


Apple TV channel for today’s iPad and iMac event live stream is now available

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Apple previously announced that it would be live streaming Thursday’s iPad and Mac event, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that the company is pushing out an Apple TV channel to stream the video. It is a bit surprising, however, that the channel is already available at midnight Pacific time. It’s usually much later in the day that it appears.

You can also stream the event from Apple’s website on a Mac or iOS device. If you’re on a Windows PC, you’ll need to follow a few extra steps to get the stream working, but you’ll also be able to watch. Apple is expected to debut upgraded versions of the iPad and iPad mini along with a new Retina iMac. There should also be some final details about iOS 8.1 and OS X Yosemite, including release dates and Apple Pay availability.

We’ll have also full coverage of the event right here on 9to5Mac.


Apple to disable another Health feature as UK and Australian users report blood glucose measurement issues

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Apple has decided to disable one of the features of the Health application, specifically the blood glucose tracking capability, until it can issue a fix for issues reported by users in the UK and Australia, CNET reported tonight. The feature will apparently be removed through an incoming software update (perhaps iOS 8.1, or possibly 8.0.3) while the company prepares a patch to remedy the problem. Apple has also provided a longer explanation on its support website:

The Health app lets you manually enter and view blood glucose values in mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). This unit of measurement is used by a number of countries, while some other countries use mmol/L (millimoles per liter).

HealthKit supports both units of measurement. However, if you measure your blood glucose using a device that displays mmol/L, those values can’t be manually entered or displayed in the Health app with that unit of measurement.

To prevent confusion in countries where mmol/L is commonly used, we’ll soon release a software update that will temporarily remove the ability to manually enter and view blood glucose values in the Health app while we work on an update to support both units of measurement.

If you have previously entered values manually in the Health app, you’ll no longer see this data in the Health app after the update. However, your data won’t be deleted, and other apps with permission to read health data will still have access to blood glucose values that you previously entered.

Third-party apps will continue to be able to support both units of measurement and can continue to use HealthKit APIs to store blood glucose data.

While it’s true that the HealthKit framework supports measurement standards for both the United States and abroad, a bug that exists in the current version prevents users from manually entering or viewing blood glucose levels using anything other than United States measurements (mg/dL, or milligrams per deciliter) within the actual Health application. The UK and Australian standard is the millimole per litre (mmol/L).

Apple issued a statement on the problem, saying… debuts ‘Puls’ smartwatch with built-in 3G connection and voice-controlled interface

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Image via <a href="" target="_blank">The Next Web</a>

Pop musician has just taken the wraps off of his first wearable, the Puls smartwatch, during Salesforce’s Dreamforce 2014 conference (via The Next Web). The watch ships with a software suite that includes Facebook and Twitter connectivity, Instagram, and even integration with Salesforce. It also features a voice control system dubbed “Aneeda” that’s powered by Nuance. Aneeda also supports basic features such as reminders, music control, alarms, and more.

On the hardware side, the watch sports standard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections along with a pedometer, GPS, acceleromter, and even a 3G connection powered by AT&T (or O2 in the UK) that will allow users to place calls or send text messages and emails without pairing the Puls with a phone at all. The battery is built into the strap, providing plenty of space beneath the face for the other internal components, which includes 16 GB of storage space and a full gigabyte of RAM. It also has built in speakers for music and alerts.


Reddit acquires popular Alien Blue iOS app, rebrands it as official client

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Reddit finally has its own official application for browsing and posting to your favorite subreddits, and users of the service will probably be excited to learn that it’s one they may already be using. The site has acquired the rights to the popular Alien Blue client and hired the developer responsible for creating it.

Alien Blue got a few bug fixes today and was released with a new App Store listing and is avaiable for free for all users. For the next week, all users will be able to get the Alien Blue Pro upgrade for free as well. Reddit launched its first official application earlier this year with the release of the Ask Me Anything app.


Iovine smacks down NFL saying ban gives Beats free publicity, Dre wanted to get into shoes before headphones

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Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine And Luke Wood Launch The Beats By Dr. Dre Pill At The Beats Store In Soho, NY

Beats co-founder Jimmy Iovine responded to a recent fine levied by the NFL against 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick for wearing Beats headphones during a post-game interview. Iovine said that he was glad players considered Beats ‘cool’ and that the company had gotten millions of dollars worth of publicity out of the media coverage surrounding the ban and subsequent fine.

Iovine also recounted out the Beats brand got started…

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Police officer uses Find My iPhone to track and save woman stranded in 500-foot ravine


A San Jose police officer used Apple’s Find My iPhone service to track down and rescue Melissa Vasquez, a woman who had been trapped in a 500-foot South Bay ravine for 17 hours. According to a report by KGO-TV, officer David Cameron is to thank for locating the stranded driver. After Vasquez was involved in a car accident, OnStar reported her location to the police, but they were unable to find any evidence of the car or driver.

When Cameron, who says he’s known around his department for being a bit of a “tech geek,” searched her house, he found her iPad and realized that he could use Find My iPhone to locate Vasquez’s cell phone. Vasquez’s tablet was locked using a passcode, but it took Cameron only three guesses to figure out the code and gain access to Find My iPhone.

From there it took only 20 minutes for police to track down Vasquez and begin the process of airlifting her to a nearby hospital.

Internal Panera Bread memo claims Apple Pay will launch on October 20

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An internal memo sent to Panera Bread employees and acquired by 9to5Mac has revealed that Apple will launch its mobile payment platform on Monday, October 20th. Panera Bread was listed as one of the initial launch partners for Apple Pay during its introduction last month.

An online training course for employees has been published that includes instructions for the VeriFone readers, including the Apple Pay functions. Stores that don’t have the appropriate hardware to support the technology will receive further information on the 20th about how the company plans to handle payments those locations.

KGI: 27″ Retina iMac ready to roll, 21″ next year, iPad Air 2 supply constrained, iPad minis to see minimal updates

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KGI has published a new research note indicating that the 27″ model of the new “Retina” iMac will begin shipping before the end of this year. However, according to the note, a 21-inch version which is currently in development will not be released until the beginning of 2015, probably alongside other products “early 2015” like the Apple Watch and Photos for Mac.

With regards to the iPad Air 2, KGI says that constrained supplies are likely, with a possible initial shipment of only 7-9 million. Compare that to the original iPad Air, which kicked of sales with 12 million units. The iPad mini will be updated, but the changes will be more conservative than those coming to the Air. A 12.9″ iPad is also said to be in development, though no timeline seems to have been set for its release.
