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Apple News and Brief History

Before you can properly understand Apple News, it’s important to know its history. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976. In 1977, Apple’s sales were growing with the success of its early computers. Within a few years, Jobs and Wozniak hired designers and a production line crew. Apple went public in 1980 and was an instant success. Over the next few years, Apple shipped new computers featuring new graphical user interfaces, such as the original Macintosh in 1984. As the market for personal computers expanded through the 1990s, Apple lost market share to the cheaper Microsoft Windows on PC clones. Eventually, Wozniak and Jobs both left Apple. Jobs would go on to found NeXT and would return to Apple when NeXT was acquired in the late 90s. Apple then began a journey to the great second act in the history of the business world.

Since the release of the iPod in 2001, Apple has become a major player once again in the technology industry. After releasing the iPhone in 2007, the iPad in 2010, and the Apple Watch in 2015, Apple is now one of the largest companies in the world. Apple’s worldwide annual revenue totaled $274.5 billion for its 2020 fiscal year.

Today, Apple operates retail stores all across the world, has a growing services division, and an ever-expanding hardware lineup. The technology industry follows Apple news to see where the company is headed in the future.

Keep reading for the latest Apple news

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You can now buy replacement tips for the Apple Pencil in packs of 4 for $19

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While it didn’t officially announce them onstage during its press event earlier today, Apple this evening has started selling replacement tips for the Apple Pencil. The company is selling the tips in packs of four on its online store for $19. The replacement tips are available to ship within 1 business day with the earliest deliveries happening by Wednesday.


DOJ asks that hearing w/ Apple be vacated, says it found ‘possible method’ to unlock iPhone

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Apple Unveils New iPad Models

Update #2: Apple has responded to the latest filing from the Department of Justice saying that if the government is unable to succeed in unlocking the device on its own, Apple will demand to know everything about the method by which it tried.

Update: The judge has granted the DOJ’s motion to vacate the hearing.

Apple was set to face off against the FBI in court tomorrow regarding its refusal to unlock the iPhone 5c used by one of the San Bernardino gunmen. Now, however, the government has moved to vacate tomorrow’s hearing, saying that it has found an outside method with which to unlock the iPhone.


Comparison: What are the differences between the 9.7-inch iPad Pro and 12.9-inch model?

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As expected, Apple earlier today officially unveiled the 9.7-inch iPad Pro. While the device is essentially the same as the larger 12.9-inch model, there are a few notable differences that may perhaps frustrate users of the larger model, but also encourage iPad Air 2 users to upgrade. Read on as we break down all of the differences between the two models…


Apple announces Smart Keyboard for new 9.7-inch iPad Pro, new Lightning accessories

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In addition to announcing the 9.7-inch iPad Pro, Apple today has also revealed new accessories for the device. As we expected, the company announced a new smaller version of the Smart Keyboard accessory for the device, as well. Apple of course originally introduced the Smart Keyboard with the 12.9-inch iPad Pro last November.


Report: Apple to open ‘Fifth Avenue-like’ retail location in India, various other smaller stores

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Apple has been working to expand its presence in India for some time now, but according to a recent report from the Times of India, the company is planning to open a flagship retail location in the country. The report claims that Apple plans to open a store in India similar to its iconic Fifth Avenue location, as well as a handful of smaller stores as it scouts real estate.


Sketchy report again positions Samsung as lead supplier for OLED iPhone screens rumored for 2017/18 [U]


Update: Raymond Soneira, President of DisplayMate Technologies Corporation, tells me that ET News got either its facts or translation wrong: “That statement (or possibly its translation from Korean) is wrong. What they mean is 60,000 OLED “substrates” per month, which should yield about 7.5 million 5 inch “panels” per month (but the production yield is well under 100 percent). My guess is that would result somewhere around 75 million 5 inch panels per year, or about a third of what Apple would need if it switched over entirely to OLED.”

With conflicting reports about whether Apple will be switching to OLED screens in 2017, 2018 or 2019, a sketchy report from ET News cites production volumes as evidence that Samsung is being positioned as Apple’s lead supplier. The same source first suggested this back in January.


Apple hires former Microsoft, Amazon executive to head corporate security

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As its battle with the FBI continues, Apple has reportedly hired a former Amazon executive to oversee its corporate digital defenses, according to Reuters. George Stathakopoulos was vice president of information security at Amazon for 6 years and was a general manager at Microsoft for 10 years before joining Amazon. At Apple, Stathakopoulos will report to CFO Luca Maestri.


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DOJ pushes for March 22nd ‘evidentiary’ hearing in San Bernardino FBI case against Apple

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The Department of Justice surprised Apple attorneys this week by reportedly placing a last-minute request to make the March 22nd hearing on the San Bernardino case an evidentiary hearing. The hearing change will allow for witness cross-examination based on previous court declarations, and each side will be allowed to question their own witnesses.


Everything Apple needs to update, but won’t announce at its event next week


Apple is holding its first event of the year on Monday next week, and we’ve already reported everything that you should expect to see announced including its much anticipated 4-inch iPhone SE, the first 9.7-inch iPad Pro, and new first-gen Apple Watch models and bands. But there’s also a whole list of things Apple should update and release but likely won’t next week.

There are a few products in need of updates that aren’t currently being planned for the event, with new MacBooks the most obvious of candidates, but some aging products like Mac Pro, the Thunderbolt Display, AirPort products, wireless EarPods, and more also due for updates. Here’s everything Apple needs to update, but likely won’t announce at its event on Monday:


iPhone SE design ‘identical’ to 5s with matte edges, will include 12 MP camera & 4K video

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In January, we reported that Apple would be launching a new 4-inch iPhone in March with a design “nearly identical” to that of the iPhone 5s from 2013. Since then, several rumors and teases from various case makers have teased that the new 4-inch iPhone may have a design that looks a bit closer to the iPhone 6 in both shape and look. Checks with additional sources indicate that the iPhone SE, to be launched at Apple’s March 21st event next week, will look “almost exactly the same” as the iPhone 5s…


Apple engineers say they could refuse or quit if ordered to unlock iPhone by FBI

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In the ongoing controversy over Apple’s refusal of the FBI’s request to assist in unlocking the iPhone of the San Bernardino gunman, The New York Times reports Apple engineers could refuse the work necessary even if Apple as a company decides to cooperate with authorities.

Citing “more than a half-dozen current and former Apple employees,” the report claims there is already an internal discussion over engineers possibly refusing to do the necessary work or even quitting:


Report: Apple building its own cloud infrastructure under ‘Project McQueen’ codename

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It was reported yesterday that Apple was looking to move much of its iCloud business from Amazon Web Services to Google Cloud Platform, but now it looks like that might be just the beginning of Apple’s long-term cloud plans. According to a report from VentureBeat, Apple has been working on something internally referred to as “Project McQueen” that could be a start to the company building its own data network and infrastructure…


IDC: Apple Watch to hold smartwatch lead through 2020 as Android Wear closes gap


IDC’s latest report is out today with new estimates based on worldwide wearable shipments, and in it is a prediction that Apple Watch will hold the market lead this year and through 2020 as competitors begin to close the gap.

While the report shows estimates based on overall wearable shipments, which IDC says will go from 72.2 million last year to 100 million in 2016 for watch and wristband products, it also shows a breakdown of estimates for leading smartwatch platforms by operating system…


Tim Cook grabs TIME front cover with lengthy interview on Apple vs. FBI: ‘It’s very much about the future’


Apple CEO Tim Cook has gotten his first solo appearance on the cover of TIME magazine today, with the publication printing a lengthy interview with Cook about Apple’s fight with the FBI over iPhone encryption backdoors. The full transcript of the interview is available on TIME’s website.

Cook says he is uncomfortable fighting the government, but Apple is fighting willingly for what it believes are civil liberties. Although interesting, the piece largely repeats the same arguments Apple has been touting for the last few weeks on the right to privacy, freedom of speech in iOS code and more.


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German court rules against Apple in patent suit with OpenTV over streaming technologies


Reuters reports this evening that a German court has ruled against Apple in a case centered around video streaming patents owned by OpenTV. Kudelski’s OpenTV unit originally sued Apple over the patents in 2014, alleging that Apple was infringing on its patents with streaming technologies used in iOS, OS X, iAds, the App Store, iTunes, and on Apple TV.


Apple debuts new iPhone 6s ad featuring hands-free Siri with the Cookie Monster

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Apple has launched yet another iPhone 6s advert, this time featuring a special celebrity guest: the Cookie Monster. In the ad, named Timer, the blue monster uses hands-free Siri on his iPhone 6s to time (you guessed it) the baking of his cookies.

Although hands-free Siri exists on all iPhones, the ability to say ‘Hey Siri’ out loud without having the phone being plugged in to power is exclusive to Apple’s latest handsets: the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. Watch the minute-long commercial after the break …


Poll: What are you most excited to see at Apple’s ‘Let us loop you in’ event next week?

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After months of rumors and speculation, Apple will officially hold its March event this coming Monday, the 21st. We’ve shared our comprehensive run down of everything that will be announced at the event, and we already know that Zac will be “upgrading” to the iPhone SE. We’re curious, though, what are you most excited to see at Apple’s “Let us loop you in” press event next week?
