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Zac Hall


Zac Hall is 9to5Mac Editor-at-Large with a focus on technology news, product reviews, and analysis. Zac previously served as 9to5Mac Editor-in-Chief, hosted over 400 weekly episodes of the 9to5Mac Happy Hour podcast, and has been a member of the 9to5Mac family since 2013. Zac has over a decade of experience in technology journalism, including as a tech columnist for the Clarion-Ledger newspaper, part of the USA Today network.

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watchOS 10 shows how Dark Mode on iPhone and Mac should work

Dark Mode on iPhone, iPad, and Mac is fairly flexible. You can toggle it on or off from Control Center or Settings, automatically switch based on time of day, or use local sunrise and sunset time to switch.

There’s one method for invoking dark mode that’s still missing, however, and watchOS 10 on the Apple Watch Ultra shows how it could work.

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Reddit tyrant-in-chief finds more fuel for the dumpster fire with threat to replace moderators

“Anyone else feel like it’s getting hot in here?” That’s what Reddit CEO Steve Huffman would ask if he was remotely aware of the dumpster fire that he continues to fuel around the community he helped build. Instead, the former cofounder and current tyrant has a new plan of attack: Cross him and you’re fired… from moderating… for free… for years.

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9to5Mac Happy Hour 438: Hands-on impressions and thoughts on Apple Vision Pro design and features

9to5mac happy hour

Benjamin and Chance talk all things Apple Vision Pro, from hardware design to its features to its real-world appeal. We also walk through Chance’s impressions of his hands-on demo experience at WWDC last week. Plus, Apple just dropped a trio of new M2 Macs, including very the compelling 15-inch MacBook Air.

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15-inch MacBook Air is the best value, right down to its standard charger options

15-inch M2 MacBook Air

Apple’s first-ever 15-inch MacBook Air has new charger options compared to the 13-inch version. We already took a look inside Apple’s new 70W GaN USB-C today.

The new fast and compact USB-C charger isn’t just speedier than the 67W power adapter, it’s also smaller by a fairly significant amount. GaN, short for gallium nitride, is just so good for making fast chargers a reasonable size.

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