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Apple confirms ongoing outage affecting App Store and iTunes Store [U: Fixed]

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Right after Snapchat went down, it seems that some Apple services are also experiencing issues on Thursday night. Apple just confirmed that the App Store and iTunes Store are not available right now for some users, as shown on the System Status webpage on Apple’s website.

Update (4:43 PM PT): Apple says the outage has now been fixed. You can read the original article below.

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Facebook-commissioned ‘study’ claims Apple’s pre-installed apps unfairly dominate the iPhone

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A new study has been published that aims to show how popular Apple and Google’s first-party apps are and to specifically make the case that they limit competition as they’re preinstalled. The Verge got an exclusive look at the study that was paid for by one of Apple and Google’s biggest critics. However, Apple says the study was “seriously flawed.”

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Opinion: Apple could have avoided the App Store mess by listening to Schiller in 2011

App Store mess could have been avoided

Apple is currently busy trying to extricate itself from an App Store mess. It’s making calls, writing letters, publishing white papers, and conducting interviews, all in an attempt to reverse the antitrust tide.

Some of the moves it is making frankly signal desperation, and it’s astonishing to me that the company missed an opportunity to enjoy a PR dream instead of its current defensive nightmare.

It’s not like Apple couldn’t see this coming – it had internal discussions about the issue a full decade ago …

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Apple continues App Store PR blitz with FastCo interview on sideloading

Sideloading PR blitz underway

Alongside a 16-page essay on why App Store protections are good and sideloading is bad, and lobbying calls to Congress by Apple CEO Tim Cook, the company’s head of user privacy is also arguing its case in a Fast Company interview.

While those in favor of third-party app stores for iOS apps argue that they would offer users and developers alike greater choice, Eric Neuenschwander suggests the exact opposite is true …

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Apple publishes new user guide detailing how sideloading and third-party app stores would undermine iPhone security

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Apple has just published a new user guide that details what life would be like for iOS users if Apple were forced to allow the sideloading of third-party apps. The report, which was published this morning, is called Building a Trusted Ecosystem for Millions of Apps and describes Apple’s view on the importance of having a curated and managed App Store be the only way that iOS devices can download new apps.

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Patreon denies having a special App Store deal to avoid 30% cut

Patreon is a popular platform that allows people to directly subscribe to creators, including in the Patreon for iOS application. Theoretically, this would mean Patreon is subject to paying Apple’s App Store commission and using the company’s In-App Purchase system, but that is apparently not the case.

In a new interview on the Verge’s Decoder podcast, Patreon CEO Jack Conte confirmed that the company does not have a special deal with Apple to avoid the App Store’s 30% cut of in-app purchases…

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German antitrust proceedings against Apple begin over App Store, ecosystem, and more

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German antitrust proceedings against Apple have been initiated by the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office). The main focus is on the App Store, but the competition regulator is also examining the broader impact of the Apple ecosystem, such as pre-installed apps and the treatment of services that compete with Apple (like Spotify).

Apple is the fourth tech giant to come under investigation since a new antitrust law came into effect in January …

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Amazon Appstore copies Apple’s Small Business Program – with a twist

Amazon Appstore

The Amazon Appstore has now joined Google in following Apple’s lead in reducing commissions for smaller developers – but with an interesting twist. The Amazon Appstore is an alternative place for people to download Android apps.

Apple last year announced its Small Business Program, a clever way to reduce antitrust pressure by reducing its cut of app sales to 15% for all but the very largest developers. Google did the same this year, in a rather fairer way, and now Amazon has come up with its own twist …

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Apple ecosystem at risk from US antitrust legislation, argues analyst

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Analyst Ben Thompson believes that US antitrust legislation could put the Apple ecosystem at risk unless the company is prepared to compromise on the App Store.

The danger is that legislators may view the various ecosystem components as anti-competitive, but would be less likely to do so without the App Store playing such a central role …

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[Updated] Apple faces criticism for censoring LGBTQ+ apps on the App Store in 152 countries

Update: Despite what this study claims, it does appear that Grindr and Scruff are both available worldwide in the App Store. Apple says that the report contains other inaccuracies as well. Notably, Apple says that none of the 27 apps mentioned in the report in regards to China were removed by Apple. And of the 64 apps monitored, by the survey, just 4 were removed from a particular country because of legal issues.

Something important to consider is that developers control the countries in which their applications are available. Developers oftentimes will preemptively remove an app from certain locations due to legal concerns or to protect their users.

Apple is facing criticism for removing LGBTQ+ applications from the App Store in 152 countries around the world. A new joint study from US-based advocacy group Fight for the Future and China-based GreatFire, which tracks censorship in China, details that Apple’s decisions in these countries “enables government censorship of LGBTQ+ content.”

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One of five planned US antitrust bills targets Apple’s App Store

Five planned US antitrust bills

House Democrats are reportedly set to announce no fewer than five US antitrust bills, one of which would in part target Apple’s App Store.

The planned legislation is based on recommendations made in the 450-page antitrust report, which found that Apple was among the tech companies to engage in “deeply disturbing” anticompetitive behavior

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Apple updates its App Store Guidelines following iOS 15 announcement

Apple today updated the App Store Guidelines following the iOS 15 announcement earlier in the WWDC 2021 opening keynote. This time, Apple has further tightened the rules against apps with pornographic content, added new terms for misleading marketing, and ensured that digital gift cards can only be sold through the App Store’s in-app purchases system.

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Just before WWDC, Facebook once again criticizes Apple’s 30% App Store cut

Apple CEO Tim Cook and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Less than an hour before Apple’s WWDC keynote kicks off, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared some news that the company would be keeping its paid online events free for creators through 2023. Notably, the platform is also going to start showing Apple’s fees as a line item for Facebook creators’ earnings with Zuckerberg using the opportunity to once again criticize the 30% App Store cut.

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Remembering Apple’s ‘sweet solution’ for iPhone apps before the App Store

In the summer of 2007, developers were anxious to hear how they fit into the iPhone story. Steve Jobs told developers at WWDC 2007 that Apple had come up with a “sweet solution” for developers to make their own software for iPhone. That solution was web apps in Safari. This didn’t go over very well with developers and users, but it led to some interesting new features getting added to the iPhone before the App Store was ultimately launched the following summer.

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