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Change My View: Apple will lose the patent trial, as it should

Update: I was wrong – Apple won.

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The Apple versus Samsung patent trial that began in 2011 returned to court last week. Closing arguments were made on Friday, and it’s now up to a jury to decide whether the damages awarded to Apple will be increased, decreased or remain unchanged.

My expectation is that Apple will lose the case – and I’ll define ‘lose’ in a moment – and that, actually, that would be the right result …


Apple v Samsung opening statements reveal details of iPhone design process & more

As we noted earlier this week, Apple and Samsung are officially back in the court room this month to continue their seven years and running debate over iPhone design patents. In addition to the comments made by Apple’s VP of product marketing Greg Joswiak, today’s opening statements brought a few notable tidbits about the iPhone creation process and more…


Apple reportedly seeking OLED price reduction from Samsung in run-up to this year’s iPhones

Supply-chain sources say that Apple is in negotiations with Samsung for lower pricing on the OLED screens the Korean company is making for this year’s iPhones.

The request for price reductions comes as no surprise to the industry as the OLED panel accounts for about one-third of the total production cost of an iPhone X and has been pinpointed as a key factor contributing to the lackluster sales of Apple’s first OLED model, said the sources.

Apple’s negotiating position appears to have both strengths and weaknesses at present …


Apple may be forced to stick with high priced Samsung-made displays for 2018 iPhones

One of the reasons for the $999+ price-tag of the iPhone X is the cost of the Samsung-made OLED screen. The latest estimate is that Samsung charges Apple around $97 per display.

Apple’s negotiating position has been weak, as Samsung has so far been the only company able to make the displays to the iPhone maker’s exacting standards in sufficient volumes. That looked set to change as Apple worked to bring LG on board as a second supplier for this year’s iPhones, but that plan now seems to be in doubt …
