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Mike Beasley

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WWDC 2014 keynote now available on YouTube

The entire video of yesterday’s 2-hour WWDC keynote is now available on Apple’s YouTube channel.

If you haven’t seen it already, you can watch Apple CEO Tim Cook and members of the company’s executive team introduce its next-generation mobile software iOS 8, upcoming Mac OS X release, nicknamed Yosemite, and discuss the future of its development tools, including the introduction of a brand new programming language called Swift.

For continuing coverage on the features and changes not included in the keynote address, be sure to keep an eye on 9to5Mac.

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New iOS 8 feature makes it easier to track missing devices


A new feature in Apple’s iOS 8 software might make it easier for users to track down missing or stolen devices. The setting seen above can be found in the Find My iPhone panel of the device’s iCloud settings, and enables the phone to automatically send its last known location to Apple’s iCloud service if the phone’s battery is almost dead.

The data will apparently be stored for 24 hours after the phone’s battery dies, so even if the phone is no longer turned on users can at least have some idea of where it was active.

Of course, there’s still a chance that thieves could just turn off the device before the battery reaches a critical level and avoid being caught by this feature. Perhaps a future update will allow the phone to send this information as part of its regular shutdown process, but for now it’s at least a step in the right direction.

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iOS 8 WebKit changes finally allow all apps to have the same performance as Safari

When iOS 7 launched, developers discovered that their apps with built-in web browsers were unable to achieve the same level of JavaScript performance as the stock Safari app. This was because Apple restricted use of its improved Nitro JavaScript engine to its own app, leaving third-parties with a slower version.

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As of iOS 8, however, it seems that decision has been reversed. All apps will now be able to use the same improved JavaScript engine that powers Safari. That means Google’s Chrome browser on iOS will now be just as quick as Safari, as will the pop-up browsers embedded in apps like Twitter and Facebook.

Gallery: First look at iOS 8 with Health app, Notification Center widgets, and more

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Earlier today Apple announced the next version of its iOS software, iOS 8, during the WWDC keynote today. Below you’ll find a gallery of all the new bells and whistles in the latest operating system. If you’ve got some screenshots you’d like to send us, you can send them to

The new software includes features like iOS-to-Mac continuity, quick-reply for first- and third-party apps, a new predictive text keyboard, changes to the Mail appHealthKit framework and Health app, Family Sharing features, new Photos cloud storage, an updated iCloud pricing scheme, new commands for Siri, App Store changes including beta distribution, a Touch ID API, third-party keyboards, new iCloud management and development features, a home automation framework, and even support for a brand new programming language.


Apple publishes Swift programing language guide on iBooks

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Apple just announced its new Swift programming language at WWDC, and has already published a free guide for developers looking to learn the language.

Swift is a new programming language for creating iOS and OS X apps. Swift builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. Swift’s clean slate, backed by the mature and much-loved Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, is an opportunity to reimagine how software development works.

This book provides:
– A tour of the language.
– A detailed guide delving into each language feature.
– A formal reference for the language.

You can grab the guide on iBooks right now.


iOS 8 will allow users to install systemwide third-party keyboards

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Apple has just announced at WWDC 2014 that as part of its iOS 8 extensions capability, users will be able to install systemwide keyboards, such as the popular Swype system. The keyboards will run in a secure sandbox and not have access to anything except text input, though they can ask for permission to use the network in order to provide more features.

These keyboards can be installed through third-party apps on the updated App Store.

Apple announces new Siri features, including Shazam integration and “hey, Siri” always-on mode

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As expected, Apple has announced new Siri features for its iOS 8 mobile operating system, including the ability to analyze and identify songs automatically with recognition powered by Shazam. You can also purchase iTunes content directly from Siri, and dictate text in 22 new languages.

Also included is a feature that recently hit the iPhone through a jailbreak tweak that allows you to summon the iPhone’s assistant by saying “Hey, Siri.”


Apple debuts new Family Sharing feature for iOS 8

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Apple debuted a new Family Sharing feature during its WWDC keynote today. The feature allows family members who use the same credit card to also share a variety of other information, including iTunes purchases, photos and photo streams, location, reminders, calendars, and more.

One incredibly useful feature for parents included with this update is the ability to approve (or disapprove) purchases by minors. When a child in the family sharing account attempts to make a purchase, a notification will be sent to a parent asking them to approve the purchase. Parents will be able to review the item being purchased and decide whether or not to allow the charge.


Apple announces new Mail for iOS features, including quick actions and data detection

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Apple announced iOS 8 today during its Worldwide Developer Conference, including several new features for its default Mail client. Among those new features were new gestures for quickly handling messages by swiping. Swiping from left to right allows you to mark a message as unread, while swiping right-to-left presents options for deleting or archive messages and more.

The app also now intelligently detects invitations and other potential calendar events and presents a banner at the top of the message that offers to create that event auotmatically. New features have been added to the compose screen as well, allowing users to swipe down on a draft to quickly dismiss it, access their other mail, and return to the draft with a few taps.

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BlackBerry announces upcoming BBM for iOS update with easier signup and friending

BlackBerry has announced an upcoming release of its BBM client for iOS devices that includes an easier signup flow and an improved process for adding new contacts.

The new simplified registration process will request only a name, password, and email address, as opposed to the current app which requires much more information. The update will also improve the process for adding new contacts. Currently users who get an invite need send their own PIN back to the other party so they can be mutual contacts. In the new version that step will be automated. Tapping the invitation link in the email will complete the entire process.

The update also adds new emoticons to the app’s existing selection. BlackBerry Messenger 2.2 will be available on the iOS App Store in the coming days.

iPhone 6 rear shell reportedly on display in new leaked photo

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Australian blog MacFixIt has gotten its hands on a photo of what it says is a rear shell from the upcoming iPhone 6 that allegedly comes from sources inside the supply chain. This is reportedly the 4.7″ model, which is one of two planned for release this fall. The larger 5.5″ version has yet to be leaked, though.

This shell lines up with recent design rumors, including a few leaked dummies presumably designed for case manufacturers to work with. The next iPhone is expected to be announced this fall, likely in September, and will include the iOS 8 operating system that Apple will be showing off at WWDC next week.


OkSiri brings always-on voice control to jailbroken iOS devices

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Even if you’re strictly an iOS user, you’ve probably heard of Android’s “Ok Google” command, which automatically brings up the Google Now voice control interface from the home screen. iOS doesn’t really have an equivalent feature. In order to bring up Siri, you have to hold the home button down for a few seconds.

Today a new jailbreak tweak called OkSiri was released that enables the same functionality on iOS devices. It works just like you see in the video above, though there are a few little annoyances. Keep reading for a full breakdown on the upsides and downsides to this tweak.


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Apple continues to expand green retail efforts with new Omotesandō, Tokyo store

Image via @t_yukstr

Image via @t_yukstr

Apple is continuing its push to expand its retail arm under the guidance of new Retail VP Angela Ahrendts, with new stores popping up around the world. Today another of those new stores has been revealed as green and white signs promoting the upcoming Apple Store, Omotestando in Tokyo, Japan. The store is said to be opening in June.

According to Macotakara [translation], the new store will use a “curtain of green” to control the interior climate and cut energy usage. This “green curtain” apparently consists of plants that will be grown to cover the exterior of the building, providing a type of organic insulation. The vegetation also helps absorb carbon dioxide in the area. The signage pictured above certain seems to hint at such a system for the Omotesandō location.

Of course, this step makes sense for Apple, which has always been comitted to finding environmentally-friendly ways to run its operations. From seeking renewable energy sources for retail stores and datacenters, to investigating green power for mobile devices, and designing what could be the world’s largest corporate solar power installation to power its new headquarters, Apple has certainly earned its place on the EPA’s list of top green-powered companies.

More photos of the store (via Ringo-Sanco) are below.

Apple’s home automation system will be less of a hub, more of a ‘made for iPhone’ program

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Acquiring the Nest Learning Thermostat was Google’s big step into home automation

As first reported on Monday, Apple is said to be preparing a home automation system for debut at WWDC next week. While this was the first anyone had heard of any such plans, several different sources have quickly come together to give an idea of how an “Apple Smart Home” will likely function.

On Monday, as noted above, the Financial Times first reported that Apple’s new program would not consist of a group of first-party automated appliances or other devices connected to an iPhone. Instead, the program will work similarly to Apple’s existing “Made for iPhone” program. Essentially the only role Apple will play is to grant special branding to compliant devices.


Readdle’s PDF Expert goes universal, adds even more power in version 5.1

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PDF Expert, the powerful PDF viewing and editing application from Readdle, got a big update today that features few new features and tweaks to make it even more useful along with a big speed boost.

The big news, though, is that PDF Expert is a universal app for the first time. Where previous versions were device-specific for the iPhone and iPad, PDF Expert 5.1 brings both interfaces together in one app. To accommodate the change, the old iPhone version has been retired. Version 5.1, which was formerly iPad-only, will now work on the iPhone as well, with all features supported across both devices.


Cue: The current TV experience “sucks,” billion-dollar Apple TV business will get bigger this year

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Speaking at Code Conference Wednesday night, Apple’s head of online services Eddy Cue took a swipe at the current state of television and presented his take on where the future of that industry lies. According to Cue, Apple TV sales have risen in recent years and over 20 million of the set-top box have been sold to date. Cue says that the device is billion-dollar business now and is expected to continue growing.

However, the Apple TV isn’t a true TV replacement. Cue took a few moments to point out just how much using TV “sucks” and bemoan the current range of DVR devices. He even went so far as to compare current technology with the VCRs of a bygone era—and he’s not wrong. Cue cited drawbacks such as having to remember to set a recording or trying to manage storage on the recorder as reasons on-demand streaming through the Apple TV is growing in popularity.

That’s not to say he’s especially fond of today’s on-demand systems either, though. Not only did Cue have sharp criticisms for modern recording tech, he even jabbed at the streaming experience on the iPad, noting that the process of authenticating with a cable provider to access streaming content is less-than-ideal. So what’s his solution?


Analyst: Apple plans to release cheaper iMacs, 8 GB iPhone 5s at WWDC [Update: “Nope”]

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KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has made a few more predictions about what we’ll see from Apple in the near future. According to a new KGI research note, Apple could potentially release cheaper versions of the iMac and iPhone 5s during its developer conference next week to accompany its software announcements.

Earlier today new references to an unreleased iteration of the the iMac appeared in an OS X developer preview, likely indicating the impending release of a new model. It’s quite possible that this could be the cheaper iMac referred to in the report. Despite the rumored upgrade, KGI has revised its iMac shipment estimates down, citing a slow PC market:


Apple brings ESPN and 42 local NPR stations to iTunes Radio

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Hot on the heels of the announcement that Apple had acquired the Beats Music streaming service for $3 billion to help bolster its own struggling competitor, 9to5Mac has learned that Apple is introducing a new ESPN station for iTunes Radio. The station will include original ESPN programs like SportsCenter All Night, SVP and Russillo, The Herd, and Mike & Mike.

The ESPN station will also stream the World Cup, making it the first live sporting event to be streamed live through iTunes Radio.


References to new iMac model discovered in OS X 10.9.4 developer preview

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OS X users digging through today’s beta update to the system have discovered what appears to be a reference to an as-of-yet unannounced version of the iMac. The model, dubbed iMac 15,1 could be shown off next week at Apple’s WWDC conference, where we’ve heard that there will likely be some new hardware announcements.

More specifically, the following lines were added to a power management file in the new beta:


Apple denies iCloud breach was responsible for device lockout attack, advises users to change passwords

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Last night we reported that several Mac and iOS users were finding their devices remotely locked by hackers who had gained access to the users’ Find My iPhone accounts and demanded a ransom to return the devices to a working state.

Today Apple issued a statement on the problem, noting that—as suspected—the iCloud service itself was not actually breached, but individual user accounts may have been compromised through password reuse or social engineering:


Apple announces NTT DoCoMo version of iPad coming to Japan June 10th

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An Apple press release published today announced the impending availability of the iPad on Japan’s NTT DoCoMo carrier. According to the release, both the iPad Air and iPad mini will be available on the largest Japanese carrier on June 10th. The carrier has supported the iPhone since late 2013.

Both tablets will work with the DoCoMo LTE network. The company’s iPad LTE plans are already listed on its website, though you won’t actually be able to buy the device just yet. Both models will be available for pre-purchase on June 2nd, the same day Apple will be kicking off its Worldwide Developers Conference.
