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iPhone 7 & 7 Plus remain top-selling phones in U.S. as Samsung’s S8 sales disappoint

The latest Kantar data shows that the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus remained the top-selling phones in the USA for the three-month period ending in April, with a combined market share of 20.1%. Total iPhone share grew 5.8 points year-on-year to hit 36.5%.

Samsung didn’t fare so well, though there was also some mixed news for Apple …


Samsung redefines widescreen monitor with curved model four feet wide, yours for $1500

Curved widescreen monitors are all the thing these days, and Samsung has just upped the stakes with a mega 49-inch wide HDR model aimed primarily at gamers. The company says that it’s the world’s largest widescreen monitor.

The Samsung CHG90 is the top end of a trio of new models just announced by the company: 27-, 32- and 49-inch QLED screens – which are LCD panels lit by LEDs …


FTC again says Qualcomm is a monopoly as Samsung files amicus brief in support

Apple is currently engaged in a high-profile legal battle with Qualcomm centered on patent royalties. Apple struck first back in January and has since expand its lawsuit to additional countries, while Qualcomm has officially hit back with a countersuit.

While the Federal Trade Commission had originally stated that Qualcomm had monopolistic like qualities, the trade group this week has yet again slammed the chip maker…


iPhone shipments in China fell 15% in Q1 2017 as local brands bite, but Samsung hit harder

iPhone shipments fell by 15% year-on-year in China during the first quarter of the year according to Counterpoint Research data. Apple saw its market share in the country fall from 12.3% in Q1 2016 to 10.1% Q1 2017.

The main reason for the fall at a time when smartphone sales in China are still growing was far stronger competition from local brands …


Samsung playing a key role in iPhone 8 supply chain management as OLED competition grows

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A report out of Korea claims that Samsung will not only be manufacturing the OLED screens for the iPhone 8, but also playing a key role in the supply chain management for related components.

Samsung Display, the display-making unit of Samsung Electronics, is the only panel maker globally that mass-produces OLED panels for smartphones. Its market share stands at a whopping 95 percent currently. Because Apple is still less experienced in OLED, the display maker is said to be playing a key role in the overall supply chain management that consists of its own key parts suppliers …


Apple seeking ‘more than 20%’ stake in Toshiba’s chip business alongside Foxconn’s investment

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Toshiba NAND chip in the 2016 12-inch MacBook (iFixit)

Following earlier confusion about whether Apple or Foxconn was bidding for a stake in Toshiba’s chip-making division, it appears that the answer could be ‘both.’ Reuters cites a report by public broadcaster NHK that Apple would be making its own bid alongside the existing Foxconn one.

Apple is considering teaming up with its supplier Foxconn to bid for Toshiba’s semiconductor business, public broadcaster NHK said on Friday […] Apple is considering investing at least several billion dollars to take a stake of more than 20 percent.

If the deal went through, it could be bad news for Samsung – but there are a couple of hurdles to be overcome before agreement could be reached …


Samsung overtakes Apple in Q1 smartphone sales even before Galaxy S8 hits – Trendforce

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Trendforce data seen by us suggests that Samsung overtook Apple in Q1 smartphone sales even before the company’s new flagship Galaxy S8 landed in stores in Q2. Most of the gains made by the company were, however, thanks to lower-end devices.

Samsung’s sales results for its high-end smartphones fell short of expectations in the first quarter as consumers’ confidence in the brand had yet to fully recover from the recall of Galaxy Note 7. Nevertheless, Samsung continued to do very well in the mid-range and low-end segments of the market. The economically priced, high-performing Galaxy J series sustained Samsung’s shipments and contributed significantly to the expansion of the brand’s overall smartphone production volume. Samsung was the only brand that saw positive growth in production volume during the off season of the first quarter.

Trendforce also predicts that Samsung and other Android manufacturers will already start to see weak sales in Q2 as consumers wait for the iPhone 8 …


Samsung’s Galaxy S8 prepares Apple fans for all the possibilities in the iPhone 8 [Poll]

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Today was an exciting day over at 9to5Google as Samsung unveiled a suite of new features coming to their new Galaxy S8 and S8+ devices. What made today’s announcements uncanny was just how many features Samsung unveiled in their new Galaxy S8 that we’ve already heard reported for the upcoming iPhone 8. The Galaxy S8 may not be iPhone fans want today, but it surely prepares them for what we may be seeing later this year.


Nokia seeking access to Samsung documents to aid its patent lawsuit battle with Apple

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The back-and-forth patent lawsuits between Apple and Nokia could be about to get more interesting. Nokia is seeking access to documents from Samsung’s patent battles with Apple to assist its own case.

Apple sued Nokia last year, claiming that the company had deliberately excluded some patents from an agreement between the two companies, subsequently transferring five of them to a patent troll which unsuccessfully tried to extort $100M from the Cupertino company. Apple seemingly filed the lawsuit in an attempt to head off any further such attempts …


Nikkei: iPhone 8 OLED display curves to be ‘gentler’ than Samsung’s, offer no new functions

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Latest iPhone 8 design concept

This fall Apple is expected to introduce three new iPhone models: iterative iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus updates, and a third model with a new design and screen size. According to a new report today, however, the so-called premium iPhone 8 model may only be visually more advanced rather than functionally.


Samsung planning to win back iPhone & iPad chip orders, but faces uphill task

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Samsung’s chip business has been increasingly left out in the cold by Apple as the company has favored Taiwanese rival TSMC for the A-series processors used it its iPhones and iPads. TSMC won all of Apple’s business for the A-series chips used in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 7, and is reported to be the exclusive supplier for the 10nm A11 chip destined for the iPhone 8.

But it seems Samsung hasn’t yet given up hope of winning future business from Apple. Korea’s ET News reports that the company is accelerating plans for 7nm chips in the hopes that these might be used for next year’s iPhones …


Samsung Galaxy S8 leaks preview the kind of form factor we’re expecting from the iPhone 8

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With the iPhone 8 expected to adopt a near-bezel-free design, featuring a curved OLED screen, we’ve today been given a preview of the type of look we might expect – from Apple’s biggest competitor. The latest leaks of the Samsung Galaxy S8, due to be launched next month, show exactly this type of form factor.

Samsung has, however, taken a less hi-tech approach than that rumored for the iPhone 8 …


Survey claims Apple is now the world’s 20th most reputable brand, despite once coming in at the top

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While Apple still holds a commanding lead, a new survey from research firm Reputation Institute claims that both Apple and Samsung have suffered significant drops in their reputations over the last year. The data, which was collected from over 170,000 consumers, shows that Apple has slipped to the 20th spot on the list, while Samsung dropped to number 70.


MWC 2017: Latest iPhone competitors from Samsung, LG, Motorola, and more

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This week is Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, and that means almost all of Apple’s biggest competitors are getting together to show off their latest phones, tablets, and other gadgets. Yesterday was the official press day, so let’s take a look at all the devices that were announced by Samsung, LG, Sony, Huawei and others…


Apple tops Fortune’s most admired companies as Samsung drops out of top 50

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Apple Store

Fortune has announced its annual list of the world’s most admired companies, and for the 10th year in a row Apple has taken first place.

Arch-rival Samsung dropped out of the top 50 this year, Fortune explaining that its exploding batteries caused too much damage to both its sales and reputation.

The method used to calculate rankings is nothing if not thorough …


New battery technology being developed doesn’t combust when punctured, could prevent smartphone explosions [Video]

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In a new NOVA documentary episode that recently aired on PBS, David Pogue hosts and checks out a next generation battery invented by Mike Zimmerman that won’t explode like the Samsung Note 7 (or create a thermal event) even when cut or punctured. The Search for the Super Battery episode is an hour-long look at “the hidden world of energy storage and how it holds the keys to a greener future.”

With the lithium-ion waste fire at Samsung’s SDI battery factory this week, it’s clear the evolution of batteries should not only focus on capacity, function and end-user safety, but should also consider the employees that produce batteries and the waste’s environmental impacts…


Apple v. Samsung patent case sent back to lower courts to determine if damages retrial is necessary

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Samsung v Apple

In what has become a never-ending patent battle, a federal appeals court on Tuesday ordered that the Apple v. Samsung case be sent back to a lower court. As noted by CNET, the district court will decide whether or not to hold another damage retrial or settle the case in another fashion.

The Samsung v. Apple case will be sent back to where it originally started back in 2012, the Northern District Court of California.
