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Apple asked to justify why it should keep the patent infringement damages paid by Samsung

That years-long patent infringement battle between Apple and Samsung isn’t over yet. A judge has just ordered the two sides to return to court yet again.

Apple was originally awarded $1B after a court ruled that Samsung infringed its iPhone patents. That was later reduced to $339M, but Samsung argued that it was still too much and fought the case all the way to the Supreme Court – where it won. But it didn’t end there …


TSMC forecasts 10% revenue growth in iPhone X quarter; expects to fend off Samsung

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) says that it expects its revenues to grow by 10% during October to December, as the iPhone X goes on sale. It follows 28% growth in August in the run-up to the iPhone 8 launch.

TSMC is believed to be the sole supplier of the A11 chip used in this year’s iPhones, just as it was for the iPhone 7, and the company appears confident of fending off future competition from Samsung …


iOS gains market share in U.S. and elsewhere, falls in UK due to Samsung promotions

The latest Kantar data shows that iOS saw year-on-year market share growth during August in seven of the nine major markets monitored by the firm, but saw a two-point fall in the UK thanks to aggressive promotions by Samsung.

U.S. market share climbed 3.7 points, from 31.3% in August 2016 to an even 35% in the same month this year. Android dropped 2.9 points in the same period …


Report: Apple working with LG on foldable iPhones amid heated competition with Samsung

We’re still awaiting the first OLED iPhone to ship with the iPhone X in less than a month, and new rumors are surfacing about a future iPhone with a foldable display. According to The Bell (via The Investor), Apple is working with LG and not Samsung to create an iPhone with a foldable OLED panel. The report suggests that Apple’s rivalry with Samsung and concern over leaking may be a deciding factor in choosing suppliers.


Samsung will earn around $110 for each iPhone X sold – component analysis

Totting up the cost of the Samsung-made components believed to be used in the iPhone X suggests that the Korean company will earn around $110 for each one sold.

The highest-profile Samsung component in the iPhone X is also the most expensive: the new OLED screen. This is a custom-made display built to Apple’s specifications. But the company also makes a range of other components for use in iPhones …


Analysts: Only 18% of iPhone buyers likely to spend $1,000, Samsung poised to gain market share

An analyst note today from Barclays’ Mark Moskowitz and company predicts that Samsung is in position to take more of the premium smartphone market share with the launch of its Galaxy Note 8. They are also concerned that less than 1 in 5 potential iPhone buyers will spend $1,000 or more on a new iPhone.


Review: Samsung T5 external SSD – a worthy, faster follow-up to the T3 [Video]

Samsung just released the follow-up to its T3 line of portable, external SSDs. Sticking with the same nomenclature of the previous T1 and T3 drives, Samsung’s new T5 external SSDs include USB 3.1 Gen 2 support, making it the fastest T-series drive yet. With an included USB-C to USB-C cable, the T5 makes a great companion for recent MacBooks or MacBook Pros, or even the newest iMac models.

If you edit videos, photos, or just need a small and compact external storage solution, then Samsung’s diminutive T5 drive may be a worthy solution. It provides speeds that are normally associated with internal SATA SSDs in a compact, external form factor. Have a look at our hands-on video walkthrough inside for more details.

Samsung unveils new T5 USB-C portable solid-state drives, priced from $130

From 9to5Toys:

Portable SSDs are finally starting to come down in price as competition is continuing to ramp up between manufacturers. In the spring we saw Western Digital unveil a new line of USB-C drives designed for Apple’s latest MacBooks. Fast forward to today, and Samsung is refreshing its popular external storage solutions with its new T5 offerings.

USB-C is at the forefront of these new Samsung drives but those still rocking USB-A will be able to take advantage, too. Hidden amongst today’s announcement is that the T5 lineup will be able to hit speeds up to 540MB/s, which is right on level with Samsung’s internal desktop SSDs. More details below.


U.S. iPhone market share up on last year, but Samsung takes #1 slot, says Kantar

Apple saw its share of the U.S. smartphone market hit 34% in the three months ending in May, reports Kantar – up 4.7 points on the same quarter last year.

However, Apple was knocked out of the #1 slot by Samsung, which saw its own market share rise from 32.9% to 36.2% quarterly, though still down year-on-year …


Samsung OLED production lines dedicated to iPhones ramping up to full capacity

Samsung is ramping-up manufacturing volumes on seven separate OLED production lines dedicated to panels for the iPhone 8, according to a Korean report. While the panels are described as ‘flexible,’ this simply refers to the type of screen needed for an edge-to-edge display.

The report says that full-scale production will begin later this month, with output capacity increasing by 700% …


Apple reportedly paying LG $2.7B for OLED production line exclusively dedicated to iPhone screens

It was reported earlier this month that Apple was close to striking a deal where it would make a large upfront investment in LG’s OLED production lines in return for output being exclusively devoted to iPhone screens.

A fresh report today supports this, and claims to have more detailed information on the as-yet-unannounced arrangement …


As Samsung gears up for A-series iPhone chip production, TSMC boosts its own 7nm plans

With Samsung yesterday reported to be gearing up to win back some of Apple’s A-series chip production from next year, TSMC is today said to be boosting its own plans to make processors for the 2018 iPhone.

TSMC last year became Apple’s sole supplier of its A-series, in large part due to its lead in ever-smaller chips. The iPhone 8 is expected to use a 10nm process, meanwhile the Taiwanese chipmaker is offering a 7nm process for next year’s iPhone …


Samsung to resume making iPhone A-series chips from next year – report

A report out of Korea says that Samsung – dropped by Apple as a supplier for iPhone processor chips last year – will once more share production with TSMC from next year.

Apple used to split its A-series chip production between Samsung and TSMC, until switching exclusively to the Taiwanese company for the iPhone 7. TSMC kept its exclusive contract for the upcoming iPhone 8, but Samsung has reportedly succeeded in winning orders for the 2018 iPhone thanks to two factors …


Samsung reportedly building the world’s largest OLED production plant as it chases more Apple orders

Samsung is said to be building the world’s largest OLED production plant as it seeks to meet future demand for displays for the iPhone 8 and beyond. The report comes after the company reportedly shared its plans with manufacturers of production equipment needed for the plant.

However, while Samsung is believed to be the sole supplier of displays for the iPhone 8, there is no guarantee that it will retain this position for subsequent OLED models …
